Pro Racing Socks V4.0 Trail Black Red
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Pro Racing Socks V4.0 Trail Black Red


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Additional protection at the toe box, reinforcing support for the toes makes this pair of socks becomes the ideal foot accessories on long trail tracks. You can say goodbye to feet burning as well because a hot spot preventer will help do so.

The already famous Pro Racing Trail Socks are here revisited to offer even more strength and stability to the feet while you focus on your performance. Support is given in various ways: a 360° arch support, stability wings and 3D dots. These innovative technologies procure support, allow the right foot postures and stimulate blood circulation.


A striped-design weaving allows maximum ventilation and evacuation of humidity and moisture.

No seams and no elastic make these socks the most comfortable around the calves and ankles.

AS the feet do not overheat thanks to the hot spot preventer, no blisters occur.

Specially designed for trail runners, this pair of socks with a reinforced toe box will allow that descents be apprehended in full confidence.

The multi-functional 3D dots will stimulate blood flow, absorb vibrations, protect tendons and muscles, prevent slipping and help extract water.


T1 – 35/38, T2 – 39/41, T3 – 42/44, T4 – 45/48


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